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Neoplasma - Submission guidelines

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The journal Neoplasma publishes articles on experimental and clinical oncology and cancer epidemiology. Only original articles are accepted which have not been published elsewhere. Minireviews and book reviews are also published. “Case report” articles are not published.


NEOPLASMA is a fully Open Access (OA) journal. The article-processing charge (APC) for each published article is €1800. The discount 50% is offered for all manuscripts submitted and accepted for peer-review evaluation until June 30, 2025. This means that the final APC fee, which covers all costs for a published article, is €900.   


NEOPLASMA articles will be published OA under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license). This license allows readers to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to alter, transform, or build upon the material, including for commercial use, providing the original author is credited.


Preparation of manuscript for the online submission:
Manuscripts should be submitted to the publishing system https://mmplus.sav.sk/


Cover letter
In the first part of the Cover letter, authors should clearly identify the novelty of their work and provide a concise summary of the primary outcomes of the article, using approximately 100 words (around 600 characters). Subsequently, the corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, should confirm that neither the submitted manuscript nor any similar manuscript, in whole or in part, is under consideration, or published elsewhere, including the posting of the manuscript on the authors' personal or institutional websites. At the end of the Cover letter, the corresponding author expresses a commitment that, if the manuscript is accepted, they will pay the fee for article-processing charges..


The manuscript should be organized in the following order:
Title page should include the title of article, authors (initials of the first and middle names, without academic degrees) and affiliations. Indicate the author responsible for the correspondence and provide his/her address, zip code, and e-mail address. Give a running title, not exceeding 60 keystrokes, and provide minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 key words suitable for indexing. If there are numerous abbreviations within manuscript, their explanation should appear at the bottom of the page.
The non-structured Abstract should describe in short the main problem, methods, results and discussion.
Text of the article should be subdivided into Introduction, Materials and methods (Patients and methods for clinical articles), Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References and Figure legends.
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. For citation in the text the numbers of the appropriate references should be referred in square brackets, comma separated.
Abbreviations should be kept a  minimum and defined upon first use in the text (except of those which are very common). Authors will only use internationally accepted nomenclature (chemical compounds, enzymes, measures in SI units).
The bibliography must give the names of the first 5 authors (with initials, followed by “et al.”), title of article, name of journal (quotations using international abbreviations), year, volume, first and last page numbers.
For book references, give name(s) of author(s), title of article, editors of book, title of book, city, publisher, year and pages.
Any references to unpublished work (unpublished data, personal communication, etc.) should be made in the text only.
Figure legends should have a short title of 15 words or less. The full legend should have a description of the figure and allow readers to understand the figure without referring to the text.
Tables should be included at the end of the manuscript. All tables should have a concise title. Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations and placed below the table. Tables should be part of the manuscript file. Authors can use tables created in the word processing software with table tools or insert them as embedded object from spreadsheet software. Tables must be editable – do not insert tables into manuscript as images. Tables larger than one printed page can be published as supplementary file.


Examples of correct references:

Articles in journals:

TASSO R, AUGELLO A, CARIDA M, POSTIGLIONE F, TIBILETTI MG et al. Development of sarcoma in mice implanted with mesenchymal stem cells seeded onto bioscaffolds. Carcinogenesis 2009; 30: 150–157. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgn234
BLAIR A, STEWART PA, HOOVER RN. Mortality from lung cancer among workers employed in formaldehyde industries. Am J Ind Med 1990; 17: 683–699. doi: 10.1002/ajim.4700170604
LI J, ZHANG N, SONG LB, LIAO WT, JIANG, LL et al. Astrocyte elevated gene-1 is a novel prognostic marker for breast cancer progression and overall patient survival. Clin Cancer Res 2008; 14: 3319–3326. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-07-4054


Books and monographs:

Celis JE, Carter NP, Simons K, Small JV, Hunter T, Shotten D (Eds.). Cell Biology. 3rd Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, USA, 2005, p. 2328. ISBN 978-0-12-164734-6

Chapters in a book:

Ghosh S, Löchner J, Mitra B, De P. Your Smartphone knows you better than you may think: emotional assessment ‘on the go’ via TapSense, pp 209–268. In: Wac K, Wulfovich S (Eds.). Quantifying Quality of Life. Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2022, p. 602. ISBN 978-3-030-94211-3

Figure files for graphs, diagrams, lineart work as well as photographic type of images use preferentially tif file format. Multipanel composite figures (labeled A, B, C, etc.) should be assembled into a single Figure that fits on one print page and should be provided as a single file. The minimum acceptable resolution for all figures is 300 dpi (at least) at the desired print size. The size of print page: 84 mm (one column width) or 173 mm (two columns width), max height: 205 mm.
When your graphs should be reduced to the size of a single column, the smallest type size on the figure must be at least 2 mm and all symbols must be discernible. DO NOT insert charts created in spreadsheet software into the manuscript text file either as embedded objects or as images.

The manuscript should be submitted in English. The editor holds the right to determine the suitability of translations and to make minor linguistic corrections, if necessary. Authors are responsible for more substantive linguistic corrections. The manuscript so approved is considered final, and no further changes (except in the galley proof) will be accepted.
Articles submitted in the year 2022 and published in 2023 will be charged 120 Euro for each color Figure.

Since year 2023 Authors are the copyright holder of Open Access articles.
Accepted manuscript formats:
Authors may submit their manuscript (with tables embedded in main document file) in following formats: doc, docx, odt or rtf format.
Accepted supplementary file formats:
Supplementary information files should be submitted as separate files in any of the following formats (in the most appropriate one to the information displayed): doc, docx, odt, txt, xls, xlsx, pdf, ppt, jpg, jpeg, and tif. Supplementary information will be published only in electronic version.

Editorial correspondence should be addressed to:

NEOPLASMA, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta 9, 845 05 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  


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