Home FOR AUTHORS General Physiology and Biophysics 2011 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.30, No.2, p.175–185, 2011

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.30, No.2, p.175–185, 2011

Title: Microscopic second harmonic generation (SHG) from tilt-placed collagen fibrils
Author: Ying Chang, Huajiang Wei, Ying Jin, Hanping Liu, Xiaoyuan Deng

Abstract:  We report a theoretical study of second-harmonic generation (SHG) from the collagen fibrils which have a tilt angle Φ between their axes with the plane of the polarization angle α of the linearly polarized focused light. The effects of Φ as well as α on SHG emission have been investigated. Our results show that the total strength of SHG electrical field (E2ω) and power (P2ω) reach their maximal values as Φ locates at a certain angle, here it is around 27° under all demonstrated α. When Φ  27°, they quickly drops. Specially, E2ω and P2ω are almost undetectable when Φ ≥ 45°. Also, Φ influences the distribution pattern of E2ω, P2ω and their parallel (E2ω,p, P2ω,p) and perpendicular (E2ω,s, P2ω,s) components, such as the number of emission lobes and shape. α has unevenly impact on E2ω and P2ω, the far deviation of α from x axis induce much great decrease of E2ω and P2ω. α = 45° has special influence on the distribution pattern of E2ω,s, E2ω, P2ω,s as well as P2ω compared to those of α = 0° and 90°.

Keywords: Linearly polarization — Fibrils orientation — Strength of SHG electric field and power
Year: 2011, Volume: 30, Issue: 2 Page From: 175, Page To: 185

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