Home CUSTOMERS Neoplasma 2008 Neoplasma Vol.55, No.2, p.138-142, 2008

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Neoplasma Vol.55, No.2, p.138-142, 2008

Title: Tumor markers in staging and prognosis of colorectal carcinoma

Abstract: The precise preoperative staging of colorectal cancer is fundamental for surgical strategy, incomplete staging means incomplete treatment and poor outcome. Large-scale clinical evaluations of predictive markers are currently in progress, including determination of their ability to predict response of patients to therapy for advanced disease and for adjuvant treatment. Lack of specificity and sensitivity preclude the use of all existing serum markers for the early detection of colorectal carcinoma. The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical significance of serum tumor markers and biological activity markers – oncofetal tumormarker CEA, mucin tumormarkers CA19-9, CA242, proliferative tumor markers Thymidine kinase, soluble cytoceratines fragments TPS, TPA, adhesive molecules ICAM – 1, VCAM -1, IGF-1, and adipocytokinins Adiponectin, Leptin in patients with colorectal cancer before primary operation. The study included 142 patients between the ages of 35 – 89 years. Operated between November 2003 to March 2006. We have confirmed that CA19-9 is besides CEA an important marker in colorectal cancer. Comparing CA19-9 and CA242 in preoperative staging, CA242 is more specific. Statistical significant difference between early and metastatic stage of colorectal cancer was not confirmed in markers: ICAM-1, VCAM, adiponectin, leptin. Statistical significant difference between early and metastatic stage of colorectal cancer was confirmed in markers: CEA, CA19-9, CA242, TPS, TPA, TK, IGF-1. None of the used markers was able to distinguish stage II and III, in other words to identify patients with infiltration of lymph nodes. This fact is very important in our aspirations to find which marker from periferal blood could help to poit out patients in risk of lymphatic infiltration and to indicate these patients for adjuvant therapy. Combination of CEA and either CA19-9 or CA242 can be recommended for preoperative investigation. CA 242 in this study seems to have slightly better results in preoperative staging.

Keywords: tumor markers, colorectal carcinoma, staging, prognosis
Year: 2008, Volume: 55, Issue: 2 Page From: 138, Page To: 142

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