Home Acta Virologica 2009 Acta Virologica Vol.53, No.1, p.49-52, 2009

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Founded: 1957
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Acta Virologica Vol.53, No.1, p.49-52, 2009

Title: Occurrence of Potato virus X on hybrid dock in Czech Republic
Author: K. Petrzik

Abstract: Hybrid dock of Uteush (Rumex patientia L. x Rumex tianschanicus A. Los., the family Polygonaceae) is a perspective high productive crop and in the last decade its farming area has continuously grown in Czech Republic. However, the introduction of this non-native perennial crop into a present plant production creates a new potential reservoir for some plant viruses. Also, the hybrid dock could become a host of currently uncommon or insignificant viruses. We screened two dock-farming localities situated in south-west and north-east part of the Czech Republic for the presence of potyviruses, potexviruses, and carlaviruses. In the south-west part of the country, we detected a high incidence of Potato virus X (PVX, the genus Potexvirus). In contrast, in the north-east part of the country we did not detect any dock plants infected with PVX. Next, two other viruses, Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) and Radish mosaic virus (RaMV) were mechanically inoculated and tested for their survival capacity and multiplication in the hybrid dock. Both viruses were detected 9 months after inoculation in the infected plants.

Keywords: hybrid dock; RT-PCR; Potato virus X; Radish mosaic virus; Turnip yellow mosaic virus
Year: 2009, Volume: 53, Issue: 1 Page From: 49, Page To: 52

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