Home CONTACT Cardiology Letters 2020 Cardiology Letters Vol.29, No.4, p.220–228, 2020

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Cardiology Letters Vol.29, No.4, p.220–228, 2020

Title: Úloha adrenomedulínu, galektínu-3 a solubilného ST2 u hypertonikov v riziku srdcového zlyhávania / Role of adrenomedullin, galectin-3 and soluble ST2 in hypertensive patients at risk of heart failure
Author: M. Huňavý, M. Jankajová, C. Gibarti, D. Pella, J. Gonsorčík


Abstrakt. Pozadie: Zvýšené hladiny adrenomedulínu (ADM), galektínu-3 (Gal-3) a solubilného ST2 (sST2) boli pozorované pri srdcovom zlyhávaní (SZ). Ich vzťah ku koronárnej ateroskleróze a hypertrofii ľavej komory (HĽK) zostáva nejasný. Hodnotili sme vplyv týchto biomarkerov na rozsah koronárnej aterosklerózy a prítomnosť HĽK hodnotenej pomocou multidetektorovej počítačovej tomografie (MDCT) u hypertonikov v riziku SZ.
Metódy: Súbor pozostával zo 67 hypertonikov, indikovaných  na MDCT koronarografiu, ktorí podstúpili echokardiografické vyšetrenie a odber biomarkerov. 53 pacientov malo hodnotiteľnú masu ĽK indexovanú na povrch tela (LVMIBSA). Za významnú koronárnu stenózu sa považovalo ≥ 50 % zúženie priemeru cievy a HĽK hodnotená pomocou MDCT bola definovaná ako LVMIBSA > 79,2 g/m2 u mužov a > 63,8 g/m2 u žien.
Výsledky: Hladiny Gal-3 boli signifikantne vyššie u pacientov s dokumentovanou KCHS v porovnaní s pacientmi bez KCHS (11,09 ± 3,71 ng/ml vs. 8,71 ± 2,55 ng/ml; p = 0,024). V multivariačnej logistickej regresnej analýze významným prediktorom KCHS boli hladiny Gal-3 > 8,7 ng/ml (OR 3,71; 1,03 – 13,38; p = 0,045). Pacienti s HĽK mali signifikantne vyššie hladiny sST2 než pacienti bez HĽK (20,94 ± 6,99 vs. 16,79 ± 5,26 ng/ml; p = 0,019). V multivariačnej logistickej regresnej analýze prediktormi HĽK na MDCT boli diabetes mellitus (OR 7,06; 1,37 – 36,40; p = 0,020) a sST2 (OR 1,14; 1,00 – 1,30; p = 0,043).
Záver: Naše výsledky poukazujú na možnú úlohu sST2 v patofyziológii HĽK a galektínu-3 ako markera koronárnej aterosklerózy. Obr. 3, Tab. 4, Lit. 37, on-line full text (Free, PDF) www.cardiologyletters.sk

Abstract. Background: Adrenomedullin (ADM), galectin-3 (Gal-3) and soluble ST2 (sST2) levels have been found elevated in heart failure (HF). Their relationship to coronary atherosclerosis and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) remains unclear. We evaluated the association of these biomarkers to the extent of coronary atherosclerosis and presence of LVH evaluated by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in hypertensive patients at risk of HF.
Methods: The study group consisted of 67 hypertensives indicated for MDCT coronary angiography who underwent echocardiography and plasma biomarker evaluation. 53 patienst had measurable for left ventricular mass indexed to body surface area (LVMIBSA). The presence of ≥ 50% diameter stenosis was considered significant and LVH by MDCT was defined as LVMIBSA > 79.2g/m2 in males and > 63.8g/m2 in females.
Results: Levels of Gal-3 were significantly higher in patients with coronary atherosclerosis compared to those without (11.09 ± 3.71 ng/ml vs. 8.71 ± 2.55 ng/ml; p=0.024). In multivariate logistic regression significant predictors of coronary atherosclerosis were levels of Gal-3 > 8.7 ng/ml (OR 3.71; 1.03 – 13.38; p=0.045). Patients with LVH had significantly higher levels of sST2 than patients without (20.94 ± 6.99 vs. 16.79 ± 5.26 ng/ml; p=0.019). In multivariate logistic regression, significant predictors of LVH on MDCT were diabetes mellitus (OR 7.06; 1.37 – 36.40; p=0.020) and sST2 (OR 1.14; 1.00 – 1.30; p=0.043).
Conclusion: Our results suggest the possible role of sST2 in pathophysiology of LVH, and galectin-3 as a marker of coronary atherosclerotic burden. Fig. 3, Tab. 4, Ref. 37, on-line full text (Free, PDF) www.cardiologyletters.sk

Keywords: ateroskleróza, počítačová tomografia, adrenomedulín, galektín-3, solubilný ST2 / atherosclerosis, computed tomography, adrenomedullin, galectin-3, soluble ST2
Published online: 15-Oct-2020
Year: 2020, Volume: 29, Issue: 4 Page From: 220, Page To: 228

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