Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2010 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 36, No 3, p. 259-281

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 36, No 3, p. 259-281

Title: Výklad pohybu okolí harmonických centier v diele teoretika Miroslava Filipa ako cesta k pochopeniu harmónie Fryderyka Chopina

Abstract: In monographs evaluating Chopin’s personality and music as well as in analytical views on his work a strangeness of his chromatic elements in the harmonic structure is specially underlined. Due to the fact that in the Romantic harmony the tendencies prepared by Vienna Classicism creators were further developed, it is appropriate to use the concept of Slovak theoretician Miroslav Filip (1932–1973) submitted in his book Evolutional Laws in the Classical Harmony (1965) for the recognition of many “secrets” of Chopin’s harmony. For an explanation of harmonic movement in polycentric radius Filip introduced a new term “transmutation” designating the relation of leading four-note-chords, functional seventh chords towards the associative tonal centres. He discerned two kinds of transmutation – “alpha transmutation” when two chords identical in shape and function open the relation, and “beta transmutation” when two chords are different in their shape and function. Filip’s dynamical system of transmutative relations working in the radiuses of particular tonal centres enables us to explain almost all phenomena in the harmonic structure of Fryderyk Chopin’s music.

Year: 2010, Volume: 36, Issue: 3 Page From: 259, Page To: 281

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