Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2010 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 36, No 3, p. 207-233

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 36, No 3, p. 207-233

Title: Niekoľko nových poznatkov o dejinách hudobného života v Banskej Štiavnici v období 1780–1830
Author: Anna Schirlbauer-Grossmannová

Abstract: In the late 18th century Banská Štiavnica was an industrial, commercial and scientific centre. As a royal mining city and the third largest city in Hungary it had all conditions for the existence of highly developed music life. An outline of the overall image of this music life was given by Darina Múdra; Emanuel Muntág and Marianna Bárdiová devoted to some particular aspects of it in the past. Nevertheless, the breadth of the music life in Banská Štiavnica can hardly be comprehensively described. Some difficulties result from the character of the sources themselves. The period press was comparatively scarce in reporting other facts than comments on official visits; and diaries or letters of private character which would have been created in Banská Štiavnica almost do not exist.Our picture about the music life in the past is a mosaic, which should be permanently supplemented and enriched.
This contribution presents the results of the research of various archival sources from the recent four years. It is only the time range what they have in common, thematically they encompass various fields and genres of the music life of the mining city. They are divided into several groups: a) the City Govermement and music life, b) the church and sacred music, c) music education of the protestant church, d) composers, e) music culture of the middle class, f) private music school and g) surroundings communities of Banská Štiavnica. In addition transcriptions of an original contract and further documents are given.

Year: 2010, Volume: 36, Issue: 3 Page From: 207, Page To: 233

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