Home FOR AUTHORS Studia Psychologica 2006 Studia Psychologica Vol.48, No.3, p.251-257, 2006

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Studia Psychologica Vol.48, No.3, p.251-257, 2006

Author: Miroslav FRANKOVSKY, Robert STEFKO, Frantisek BAUMGARTNER

Abstract: The paper presents findings obtained by the use of the SIPS questionnaire (Solution of interpersonal problem-oriented situations). Methodologically, the SIPS questionnaire starts from the situational approach and from assessing the behavior. The presented analysis of the data obtained focuses on characterizing preliminary, but essential psychometric parameters of the SIPS. The research was executed on sample of 150 respondents (54 men and 96 women), mean age 20.9 years. The factor analysis of the results enabled us to revise the original four-factor concept and confirmed the existence of the internal structure of the described forms of behavior, within the framework of which we may define two factors: socially negative solution and socially positive solution. Psychometric indicators of the SIPS, as well as the results of the validation study support the fact that we may consider it a suitable point of departure for constructing the diagnostic tool for measuring social intelligence.

Keywords: social intelligence, situational approach
Year: 2006, Volume: 48, Issue: 3 Page From: 251, Page To: 257

Price: 3.50 €

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