Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2018 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 44, No 3, p.277-289

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 44, No 3, p.277-289

Title: Dejiny výučby hry na akordeóne na Slovensku a najvýznamnejšie pedagogické osobnosti
Author: Paulína Haragová

Abstract: Systematic teaching of accordion playing in Slovakia began in 1950s. The chromatic accordion was originally used as an accompanying instrument to dance, singing of chastushkas and enthusiastic communist songs. Thanks to the link to the period cultural ideology it was supported also by the newly built music education system, which began to be systematized following the nationalization of all music schools in 1951. Although the accordion playing was taught at almost all music schools, the teaching was not carried out by qualified teachers, but usually by pianists and organists. The pedagogic departments which were parts of music schools in Bratislava, Žilina and Košice acquired the status of conservatory in 1960. Until 1989, when the political regime collapsed and changed, there had been only three conservatories in Slovakia – in Bratislava, Žilina and Košice.
In Bratislava the accordion playing began in the school year 1952/1953. The most significant teacher was Marta Szőkeová (1920–2002), a promoter of innovative German bellows technique. She is credited with the establishment of the classical accordion department at the Bratislava Conservatory and thanks to her the accordion playing was included also in study programmes of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava.
Žilina Conservatory, too, opened its first year for those interested in accordion playing study in 1952/1953. Among many teachers Miroslav Košnár (1938–2016), an ardent promoter of accordion, stands out. Due to regular participation in international competitions he established contacts with foreign teachers, acquired new music material and steered the repertory of his students to the West-European accordion literature.
At Košice Conservatory accordion started to be taught in 1955/1956. Vladimír Čuchran (1941–2010) taught here, one of the most renowned Slovak accordion players. He was the first one who gave an evening recital on accordion and accomplished the recording of original accordion pieces of Slovak composers. Thanks to his initiative several pieces for accordion originated, some of them were dedicated directly to him and the majority of them he personally premiered.
Teachers-exponents such as Marta Szőkeová, Miroslav Košnár and Vladimír Čuchran were instrumental not only in the raising of qualified teachers and performers, but also in the laying of foundations of the Slovak accordion teaching.

Year: 2018, Volume: 44, Issue: 3 Page From: 277, Page To: 289

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