Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2013 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 39, No 4, p.385-393

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 39, No 4, p.385-393

Title: Meranie úrovne zrozumiteľnosti reči a iných akustických parametrov Kostola Panny Márie Kráľovnej anjelov v Sádku
Author: Pavol Brezina


Measurement of the Level of Speech Intelligibility and Other Acoustic Parameters in the Church of Mary Queen of Angels in Sádok

The Church of Mary Queen of Angels in Sádok belongs to the most important architectonic monuments in Slovakia. Its architecture comprises several styles from the Roman style to the 20th century. The decaying church was repaired several times during the 20th century and an extensive research and renovation has been taking place since 2002 thanks to the non-governmental organization Slovacia Incognita. Acoustic research of the object contributes to the complex research and is aimed at a preservation of the acoustics of the place as an immaterial cultural heritage. The acoustic research was oriented on the level of speech intelligibility through two measured parameters – Speech Transmission Index (STI) and the rate of speech clarity C50. Apart from these parameters, others were also measured according to the norm STN EN ISO 3382. An accurate acoustic model of the space was created, which can be used in post production recording studios.

Year: 2013, Volume: 39, Issue: 4 Page From: 385, Page To: 393

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