Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2013 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 39, No 3, p.228-254

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 39, No 3, p.228-254

Title: Možnosti hudby a hudobnej edukácie pri prechode z primárneho na nižšie sekundárne vzdelávanie
Author: Eva Králová


Using Music and Music Education to Facilitate the Transition Period from Primary to Middle School

The study was conducted to identify suitable possibilities of music and music education in preadolescents during the transition period from primary to middle school.
     After the short introduction the author introduces the term ‘transition period’ and explains it in relation to the school environment. The first chapter considers the emotional and social balance of children during transition period and the impact of teacher–pupil communication and pupil–pupil communication on it.
     The second chapter speculates about the influence of music on a child during the transition period. The author explains its potential using the division into artificial and non-artificial music. Further she explains the impact of music functions and music elements on a child during the transition period.
     The third chapter focuses in detail on music education and its possibilities for the overall personality development of a child in the transition period to middle school. The author explicates the education from the aspect of its significance for pupils during their adaptation to a new school environment. She introduces three forms of education: formal, non-formal and informal. The last subchapter of the study pursues the interactive agents of the process of music education within which she focuses on 1. teacher–pupil curriculum; 2. teacher and pupil participation in education process; and finally 3. on pupils’ attitude toward music.

Year: 2013, Volume: 39, Issue: 3 Page From: 228, Page To: 254

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