Home CONTACT Studia Psychologica 2009 Studia Psychologica Vol.51, No.4, p.305-318, 2009

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Studia Psychologica Vol.51, No.4, p.305-318, 2009

Author: Miguel Angel PÉREZ NIETO, Enrique García FERNÁNDEZ-ABASCAL, Juan José MIGUEL-TOBAL

Abstract: This article reviews many results of recent investigations in areas related to decision-making. The classic conception of a rational human being is yielding to new, more complex and integrated formulations in which emotional and affective aspects occupy a prominent position. Decision-making is tackled from different points of view, among which the neurological one plays a major role, and the evidence obtained in studies on positive affect, impulsivity and several emotions such as anger and sadness is reviewed. On the whole, the results show that any explanation of the way a human being makes decisions must necessarily consider emotional and affective states, so as not to make the mistake of using limited and biased explicative models.

Keywords: emotion, decision-making, positive affect, impulsivity, anger, sadness
Received: 03-Mar-2009 Published online: 16-Sep-2009
Year: 2009, Volume: 51, Issue: 4 Page From: 305, Page To: 318

Price: 7.00 €

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