Home CONTACT Acta Virologica 2019 Acta Virologica Vol.63, No.1, p.96-102, 2019

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Founded: 1957
ISSN 0001-723X
E-ISSN 1336-2305

Published in English

Impact Factor = 1.82

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Acta Virologica Vol.63, No.1, p.96-102, 2019

Title: Experimental infection of conventional newly-weaned piglets with porcine astrovirus

Abstract: The presence of porcine astroviruses in diarrheic and healthy pigs has been reported, however, the consequences of the astrovirus infection during the weaning process have not been described. In this study, eight healthy conventional newly-weaned piglets were used to evaluate effects of astrovirus infection during the first five days. Four piglets were infected with the porcine astrovirus PoAstV/PUJP5 strain and the other four represented the control group. Body weight, rectal temperature, diarrhea and other clinical signs were monitored every 24 hours. The results showed that all animals gained body weight, the occurrence of mild diarrhea on the 3rd day post-infection, and the astroviral presence in diarrheic samples. On the 5th day post-infection all the piglets were euthanized and then intestinal and extra-intestinal tissues were analyzed for the presence of PoAstV/PUJP5. The cytoplasmic antigen of PoAstV/PUJP5 was observed in the enterocytes of infected piglets from jejunum, ileum, colon and in inflammatory cells from mesenteric lymph nodes. In addition, villi atrophy, fusion, epithelial hyperplasia and incipient virus detection in mesenteric lymph were observed. RNAemia could not be proved. This study shows for the first time the effects of porcine astrovirus infection on conventional newly-weaning piglets.

Keywords: porcine astrovirus; newly-weaned piglets
Published online: 13-Mar-2019
Year: 2019, Volume: 63, Issue: 1 Page From: 96, Page To: 102

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