Home CONTACT Bratislava Medical Journal 2018 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.119, No.1, p.12-16, 2018

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.119, No.1, p.12-16, 2018

Title: Histonedeacetylase 1 mRNA has elevated expression in clinical specimen of bladder cancer
Author: M. Alivand, R. T. Soufi, A. H. Madani, S. N. Esmaeili, H. R. Vaziri, M. M. Sohani, M. Rafati, P. Hamami, F. Ajamian

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: HDACs are among transcriptional regulatory elements that regulate key features of proliferation and differentiation in all cell types including cancerous. They may also interfere in such stages of cancer development as migration, invasion, multi-drug resistance and angiogenesis. Proven information about HDAC1 role in development of bladder cancer is limited only to cell lines in vitro. The lack of a comprehensive clinical in vivo study led us to evaluate HDAC1 expression in human clinical specimens.
METHODS: We analyzed a large group of bladder cancer patients. The presence of hHDAC1 mRNAs were tracked using specific HDAC1 primers in cancer samples and the quantity of HDAC1 transcripts were quantified using real time qPCR method and was compared to those of normal bladder samples from healthy patients.
RESULTS: HDAC1 mRNA expression was significantly elevated in Bladder cancer specimens. To our knowledge, this result is the first, showing an elevation in vivo in HDAC1 mRNA levels in clinically cancerous tissue of patients with bladder cancer.
CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that hHDAC1 overexpression might be implicated in bladder cancer tumorigenesis and that the over-expressed HDAC1 mRNA might be a potential diagnostic marker and, a target for treatment of bladder cancer using HDACi-drugs in future (Tab. 2, Fig. 2, Ref. 30).

Keywords: histone deacetylase1 (HDAC1) mRNA, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi), bladder cancer
Published online: 22-Jan-2018
Year: 2018, Volume: 119, Issue: 1 Page From: 12, Page To: 16

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