Home HOME Neoplasma 2012 Neoplasma Vol.59, No.3, p.316-325, 2012

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Neoplasma Vol.59, No.3, p.316-325, 2012

Title: Incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma in the Czech Republic: The risks of sun exposure for adolescents


The Czech Republic reported one of the highest incidence rate in cutaneous melanoma (CM) in Europe and because this incidence has been increasing, mainly among young people, the main goal of our study was to establish sun exposure behavior risk factors for CM formation and to evaluate whether the young generation of Czechs is exposed to a higher risk of CM than the older generation. A questionnaire-based case-control study was conducted. We obtained 978 completed questionnaires: 216 from patients with CM and 762 from healthy respondents. The healthy individuals were further divided to adolescents (n = 460) and older respondents (n = 302).

Three logistic regression models were developed: 1. patients with CM vs. healthy older respondents, 2. adolescents vs. healthy older respondents, and 3. patients with CM vs. adolescents. The main risk factors for all three models were the number of sunburn episodes and the use of the sunscreen in the childhood. The most alarming results for adolescents included: all day sun exposure, including times of maximum risk (11 AM to 3 PM), inadequate use of sunscreen in adulthood, and frequent mountain holidays. Our results show that sun-safety in the young generation is satisfactory, when the responsibility for sun exposure behavior is in the hands of their parents; however, when children become adolescents, they become immune to sun-safety and risk prevention campaigns and their behavior becomes much more risky. Our results further suggest the sun-safety campaigns need to be modified in such a way as to have greater impact and influence on adolescent sun-risk behaviors.

Keywords: UV radiation, cutaneous melanoma, adolescents, prevention campaign, risk factors, biomedical engineering
Published online: 01-Feb-2012
Year: 2012, Volume: 59, Issue: 3 Page From: 316, Page To: 325

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