Home HOME Acta Virologica 2018 Acta Virologica Vol.62, No.4, p.379-385, 2018

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Founded: 1957
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Acta Virologica Vol.62, No.4, p.379-385, 2018

Title: Ultra-sensitive detection of papaya ringspot virus using single-tube nested PCR
Author: I. Hamim, W. Borth, M. J. Melzer, J. Hu

Abstract: Aphid-transmitted papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is the greatest disease threat to the commercial production of papaya worldwide. Specific ultrasensitive assays are important for the early detection of PRSV in the field. We have developed a single-tube nested PCR (STNP) assay to address this need. Two nested PCR primer sets were designed to target the P3 gene of PRSV. The annealing temperatures and concentrations of both primer pairs were optimized to reduce potential competition between primer sets in STNP. The assay is more sensitive than regular RT-PCR as determined by serial dilutions of cDNA and RNA templates and sample extracts from infected plants. STNP is capable of detecting PRSV in plants 7 days post-inoculation, whereas RT-PCR and ELISA are capable of detecting PRSV 14 to 21 days post-inoculation. This new assay can also detect PRSV from virus infected but asymptomatic plants. This system could assist epidemiological studies in the field and in quarantine protocols by enabling early detection of very low PRSV infection rates in the field and in imported plant samples.

Keywords: early detection; quarantine protocols
Published online: 23-Nov-2018
Year: 2018, Volume: 62, Issue: 4 Page From: 379, Page To: 385

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