Home CUSTOMERS Studia Psychologica 2007 Studia Psychologica Vol.49, No.2, p.127-133, 2007

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Studia Psychologica Vol.49, No.2, p.127-133, 2007

Author: Petr BOB, Miloslav KUKLETA, Fedor JAGLA

Abstract: Recent findings indicate that the high arousal and/or anxiety during traumatic events attract attention in an extreme degree and this shift of attention may produce dissociative states. Important findings in the study of traumatic stress represent data that indicate common neurophysiological mechanisms of traumatic stress, anxiety and epileptogenesis. These findings imply that complex functions of cognitive-emotional integration are closely linked to defective inhibitory functions and often lead to temporo-limbic epileptiform abnormalities which may emerge as symptoms of ictal temporal lobe epilepsy such as somatic, sensory, behavioral and memory symptoms also in nonepileptic conditions (the so-called complex partial seizure-like sym ptoms). In this study we have performed preliminary clinical examination in epileptic patients with the aim to assess whether the so-called complex partial seizure-like symptoms, are significantly related to dissociation, traumatic symptoms, anxiety and depression. Resuls indicate the significant differences of psychodiagnostic measures between epileptic patients and healthy control group. A very significant degree of psychopathology has been found in patients included in the subgroup of patients with a high level of complex partial seizure-like sy mptoms. The data support the hypothesis that the symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy in epileptic patients display a relationship to traumatic stress related symptoms and anxiety. This suggests a bidirectional relationship between traumatic stress-related hyperexcitability and increased stress susceptibility associated with epileptiform abnormalities.

Keywords: traumatic memory, anxiety, stress, dissociation, epilepsy
Year: 2007, Volume: 49, Issue: 2 Page From: 127, Page To: 133

Price: 3.50 €

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