Home Bratislava Medical Journal Ahead of print Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.125, No.9, p.527–532, 2024

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.125, No.9, p.527–532, 2024

Title: Role of female reproductive hormones and genetics in temporomandibular joint disorders
Author: Sarah Kalmanova, Andrej Ivan Halasa, Ladislava Slobodnikova, Bruno Calkovsky, Rastislav Juricek, Igor Malachovsky, Vanda Repiska, Maria Janickova

Abstract: The disorders of temporomandibular joint manifest clinically with disruptions in its movement and facial pain. Women exhibit a three-fold higher propensity for developing temporomandibular joint disorders compared to men. There are several studies describing the effects of female reproductive hormones on temporomandibular joint structures and pain perception, shedding light on the genetic influence underlying these conditions. Several polymorphisms have been studied and documented in the literature, shedding light on the genetic background of temporomandibular joint disorders.
This review aims to propose a novel approach to the complex diagnosis and treatment of this type of disorders. Specifically, we advocate for heightening the emphasis on young women diagnosed with temporomandibular joint disorders during their reproductive years, as such manifestation could potentially serve as early indicators of other underlying health conditions linked to the reproductive system. We posit that genetic studies hold promise as a cornerstone for tailoring personalized treatment strategies for TMJD in the future (Tab. 1, Ref. 46). Text in PDF www.elis.sk

Keywords: temporomandibular joint disorders, infertility, female reproductive hormones, genetic polymorphism
Published online: 29-Jun-2024
Year: 2024, Volume: 125, Issue: 9 Page From: 527, Page To: 532

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