Home Acta Virologica 2003 Acta Virologica Vol.47, p.45-47, 2003

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Founded: 1957
ISSN 0001-723X
E-ISSN 1336-2305

Published in English

Impact Factor = 1.82

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Acta Virologica Vol.47, p.45-47, 2003

Author: P. Yadav, M.D. Gokhale, P.V. Barde, D.K. Singh, A.C. Mishra, D.T. Mourya

Abstract: The Aedes aegypti mosquito has been considered the principal vector of Chikungunya (CHIK) virus. As CHIK epidemics usually occur in urban regions and Anopheles stephensi is another highly endophilic and anthropophilic mosquito, there is a very high probability of this mosquito to feed on CHIK virus-infected patients, to pick up and transmit the virus. Therefore the present study was conducted to test the CHIK virus transmission capability for the A. stephensi mosquito. The obtained results showed that this mosquito species is capable of transmitting CHIK virus. It is surmised that during any epidemic of febrile illness CHIK virus isolation attempts should also be made from this mosquito species.

Keywords: Aedes aegypti; Anopheles stephensi; Chikungunya virus; mosquitoes; RT-PCR; suckling mice; susceptibility; transmission
Year: 2003, Volume: 47, Issue: Page From: 45, Page To: 47

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