Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2019 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.120, No.12, p.929–934, 2019

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.120, No.12, p.929–934, 2019

Title: Short-term effect of the demonstration of human dissection and excursion on students´ ideas about the human organ systems: a Slovak experience
Author: R. Kvasnicak, H. El Falougy, E. Kubikova

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Excursions in natural sciences education are justified in the current school system and within the scope of subject focus. The research aimed to observe the immediate impact of demonstration of the human dissection and excursion on the formation of ideas of students about the human body systems.
METHODS: The experiment involved the first Slovak demonstration of a real human autopsy for students of the Biology Teaching Department (PdF TU in Trnava). Concepts of the structure of the human body were analyzed before and after experimental impact by a projective technique. The evaluation included the representation, description, and abundance of organs in the view of various systems. The subject of the research were also the questions focused on the use of illustrative procedures and tools in the educational process.
RESULTS: Significant statistical differences were found in the group affected by human autopsy in understanding of the digestive, urinary, and locomotor systems. Conversely, the skin, endocrine glands, and lymphatic system were the least represented by the experimental groups.
CONCLUSION: Considering the presented results, using different organizational forms and aids (real and virtual) is essential for bringing a positive educational effect on the studied problem (Tab. 1, Fig. 5, Ref. 20).

Keywords: ideas, human body dissection, excursion, human body system, university students
Published online: 18-Dec-2019
Year: 2019, Volume: 120, Issue: 12 Page From: 929, Page To: 934

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